BC School Fruit & Vegetable Nutritional Program is back! This Wednesday, students will receive blueberries in their classrooms, unless the school has received a reverse consent form. If you do
not want your child to receive the free fruits and vegetables that will be provided throughout the year, please fill out the form (when it is sent out this week) and return it to the school.
The BC School Fruit & Vegetable Nutritional Program is a collaborative
program from ActNow BC with funding from the B.C. Ministries of Health,
Education, and Agriculture. It is administered through the BC
Agriculture in the Classroom Foundation, a non-profit association dedicated to
working with educators to bring B.C.’s agriculture to students. It is made possible at our school by the ongoing work of a dedicated parent volunteer!
New this year is the +Milk program, which delivers cow's milk or a fortified soy beverage to K-2 students along with the week's fruit or vegetable.
Did you know that B.C. is the second highest producer of blueberries in the world? Blueberries are native to North America and were not introduced to Europe until the 1930's. They are naturally high in vitamins C and B-complex, copper, zinc, iron, fibre, antioxidants and lutein, so enjoy a handful knowing that you are doing something good for your body as well as your tastebuds!
For more cool facts and activities, click on the following
"scoop" and
"double scoop" on blueberries.
Students will receive their blueberries during class time. This snack is not meant to replace the foods students normally eat at school. Students can make their own decisions on whether to taste the produce offered.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the PAC via e-mail or contact the school administration at 604-713-4620.