Wednesday Sept 9 to Friday Sept 11 11:00am -12:00pm. Room 202 (+ alternate room TBA if necessary)
Tuesday Sept 15 9:00-1:10
Weds Sept 16 onward - Full day school 9:00-3:00
- Some children will need more time to adjust to the new expectations. If you find your child is tired and finding this gradual entry schedule is not working well, please speak to the teacher to individualize a gradual entry schedule
- Regular recess break is 10:40-11:00. Please send a healthy snack with your child.
- Lunch break is 12:10-12:57. Please send a full, nutritious lunch with your child. Some parents choose to bring lunch for their child at lunchtime. You are more than welcome to meet your child at 12:10 in the lunchroom/gym and spend some time together.