Ultimate Frisbee Skills Clinic and School Team
Ultimate Frisbee permission forms were sent home to all students in Divisions 1, 2, and 3 last week. If interested in playing on a casual school teams, the students need to have their permission forms back by Tuesday May 3. Whether interested in a team or not, all of the students in these divisions will be coached by a Vancouver Riptide player at school on Tuesday May 3. This will be a basic skills clinic, and will hopefully get some more kids hooked on the sport! The next day, we will have a team meeting at recess to solidify details (casual practice dates, setting up another Pro-led clinic, discount Pro games to go watch, our first exhibition game...!). If you have any questions, comments, or need another form because the first was attacked by a leaky water bottle, please don't hesitate to visit the library or email Ms. M at kmccandless@vsb.bc.ca!