- May 29th - Welcome to K - new Kindergarten children who will be starting at A.R. Lord Elementary in September 2015 are invited to visit the school from 10:45-12:00 in the school library
- June 5th 8:30-9:30am - Dr. A.R. Lord School staff and teachers would like to invite all parent/family volunteers to a Friday morning appreciation Tea. Bring the kids early at 8:30am and they will have supervised play prior to school, while you come for a cup of tea! PLEASE RSVP to the school by May 29th (yellow form)
- June 18th Student Book Exchange event
- June 19th Friday - Year end celebration extravaganza! We will be celebrating the new outdoor classroom, a garden harvest event, and the community book share box, with a complimentary BBQ for all students and families.
- June 23rd Graduation ceremony for Grade 7
- Thursday June 26th - LAST DAY OF SCHOOL!