Wednesday 5 May 2010


Although parents received a yellow school notice stating the decision was made, this closure is only proposed on the VSB budget and will not be accepted officially until June 2010.

So, let’s TELL the VSB that our primary building is not an out-building (as described in the budget proposal) but our children’s school!

Think of all that happens in the Georgia/primary building:
  • our kitchen for sports days, corn roasts as well as school-based food programs
  • our music room and gym space for the primary grades
  • our after-school eductional programs that draw in children from neighboring schools
  • our children’s lunch room
  • the REAL parents program which fosters community amongst our student's caregivers
  • resource staff teaching rooms
  • rainy day space for inside play at lunchtime

  • The Georgia/primary building has amenities that the Lillooet building does not:
  • washrooms for small children within the kindergarten room
  • low profile water fountains that primary children can reach
  • sinks in the classrooms to facilitate art and frequent hand-washing
  • sinks and soap dispensers that are low enough for small children to reach
  • in close proximity to the playground
  • school access to a non-staff room kitchen

  • Closing the primary building is said to possibly save $40,000 annually – but what will be the financial cost of moving the classrooms’ contents up to the big building? What will it cost to adjust sinks and soap dispensers and perhaps add sinks to classrooms? What will happen if our enrollment increases but we are at capacity?

    Many options are available for the primary building that have not been pursued by administration. Having an after school care program in our school would not only offset overhead costs, but would also attract additional students and increase our school's enrollment. Having a daycare would be another option beneficial to the school as well as the community.

    Unless we let the VSB know that our primary building is more than just an outbuilding and has potential for our community – we have very little chance of saving it!

    Please email/phone/write our Vancouver School Board Trustees and let them know how important the Georgia Building is to our kids!

    Dr. A.R. Lord's Trustee
    Jane Bouey
    Vice-chair, Vancouver Board of Education
    Phone: (604) 345-4246

    Chairperson, Vancouver Board of Education
    Patti Bacchus
    Phone: (604) 250-1130

    Vice-chair of Planning and Facilities Committee, Trustee, Vancouver Board of Education
    Ken Clement
    Phone: (778) 866-0317

    Vancouver-Hastings MLA
    Shane Simpson
    2365 Hastings Street E
    Vancouver, BC, V5L 1V6
    Phone: 604 775-2277
    Fax: 604 775-2352

    Minister of Education and Minister Responsible for Early Learning and Literacy
    Hon. Dr. Margaret MacDiarmid
    104 – 1245 West Broadway
    Vancouver, BC, V6H 1G7
    Phone: 604 660-7061
    Fax: 604 660-7065

    Please leave a comment, or contact the A.R. Lord PAC if you have any questions or ideas about helping to save our primary building.