Friday 27 May 2011

Vice Principal's Letter

Dear Families;

Its that time of year; we are heading into celebration season at school while meaningful learning continues in each classroom every day.

Over the past couple of years, our school goal has been focused on healthy living. At our most recent Professional Development day, staff spent time reflecting on our progress with this school goal and planning ahead to re-focus our goal for next year. We have much to celebrate - many healthy initiatives have been taken on and are now part of our school culture.

While healthy living will always be important at Dr. A. R. Lord, we are shifting our focus to literacy as a school goal for 2011-12. There are a number of effective literacy practices and opportunities in place already and with this as our school goal we will build upon those with other exciting ideas that are grounded in best practice.

We do indeed have much to celebrate at Dr. A.R. Lord! Our students amaze us with their kind actions, genuine interest in school and the positive growth we see in them daily. Please join us for the special events coming up over the next few weeks.

Sarah Gray