Parents had many questions answered about their challenges and were able to share experiences and ideas with other parents.
One of the great take aways from the night included how to have 'Lively Conversations' by asking your child questions after reading every book. Reading comprehension is the reason we read -- to understand.
Give these a try after your next reading session with your child:
What do you think about.....?
What Character in the book changes the most?
Which character is most like you?
Which character would you like to invite to dinner? Why?
Is there something you didn't understand in the story?
Does the character remind you of anyone in your life?
What surprised you?
Don't forget to register for next week Jan 21st Parent and Child workshop for intermediate (Gr 4-7) students on study secrets and techniques: "Getting Good Grades is Not a Matter of Luck". Attend with your child at this interactive session.