An informative place for parents, teachers, students and the community.
Wednesday, 16 November 2016
Save the Date: Winter Concert: Dec 14th
Planning for the year end 2016 Winter Concert is underway and will be held on Wednesday December 14th. The winter concert is a great showcase of singing, dancing and performing by all the students at A.R. Lord Elementary.
Monday December 12th will be the final dress rehearsal.
This year there will be an afternoon concert and a repeat during the evening on December 14th. Due to capacity of the gym, we are encouraging those who would like to have extended families and guests that would like to come to plan on attending the afternoon concert. The afternoon concert has much more available space and we anticipate that the evening concert will have some restrictions on the number of guest per family.
We will also be organizing parent volunteers to help decorate the gym prior to the concert. If you can help please email: or see Tracy. Specific times will be coordinated closer to the date and likely scheduled once during school day and one afternoon after school if needed. Even if you can help for half an hour, it will be much appreciated. More hands make lighter work.