An informative place for parents, teachers, students and the community.
Thursday, 30 September 2010
Cross Country
Date: Tuesdays @ 12:30pm and Thursdays @ 8:30am
Location: At school
Date: Wednesday, September 29th, October 6th, October 13th
Time: 3:30pm to 4:30pm
Location: Clinton Park at 1st Avenue at Slocan Street
Final Meet
Grades 1-3 run 1000 m.
Grades 4-6 run 1500m.
Grade 7- 1900m.
Date: Thursday, October 21st
Time: 12:30pm to 3:00pm
**Please note, if you want to come and cheer on our runners please check with Ms. O'neill about updated times and locations.**
Wednesday, 29 September 2010
PAC Meeting Minutes 09-21-2010
Any questions or concerns, please contact the PAC Executive for clarification or copies.
Friday, 24 September 2010
Fruit & Vegetable Program
For further information, fascinating facts and interesting history on these delicious fruits please read the PDF document on TOMATOES.
Students will receive their tomatoes during class time. This snack is not meant to replace the foods students normally eat at school. Students can make their own decisions on whether to taste the vegetables offered.
If you have any questions or concerns, please contact the PAC at or contact the school administration at 604-713-4620.
Thursday, 23 September 2010
Kindergarten Begins Full Day
is the first FULL day of school. Kindergarten students will be expected at school from 9:00am to 3:01pm.
Please remember to dress your children appropriately for the weather, and ensure they have a healthy snack and lunch each day.
No School
is a day off from school for all students. There will be no regular classes or after-school activities.
If there are any questions or concerns, please contact the PAC at, or phone the school office at 604-713-4620 during school hours.
Delicious farm-fresh corn, tasty burgers and sausages, lots of families and staff, plus a whole bunch of sunshine made A.R. Lord's annual Welcome Back Corn Roast a success!!
During the roast the grade 7's worked hard fundraising for their graduating class with a great 50/50 draw. Congratulations to Tracy S. for winning the draw! Tracy generously chose to donate the funds back to the grade 7 class.
Of course lots and lots of hard work went into organizing and running this event and we want to send out thanks to everyone who pitched in to help. To Sean R. for driving out to the valley to pick up the hundreds of corn, to the Real Parents group for shucking and handing out the corn, to all the parents and staff who helped on the hot grills, organizing and handing out food, selling tickets and all the clean up.
A very special thank you to our PAC Chair, Kathy M, for doing so much of the heavy preparations and running of this event - great job!!!
We'd also like to thank Columbus Meat Market for donating all the tasty beef burgers, chicken burgers, and sausages. We're such a lucky school!
Wednesday, 22 September 2010
Class Parents
2010-2011 Class Parents
Grade K/1 (Ms. Young) - Linda D
Grade K/1 (Ms. Anderson) - Ali R
Grade 2/3 (Ms. Watson & Ms. Burke) - Shannon H
Grade 3/4 (Ms. Bains) - Kelly R
Grade 4/5 (Ms. Burke & Ms. O’Neill ) - Sherri R
Grade 5/6 (Ms. Haraga & Ms. Lau) - Cindy & Brian B
Grade 6/7 (Mr. Campbell & Ms. Wong) - Shannon H
If you have any questions or ideas regarding the PAC, please contact your grade's Class Parent for more information.
Monday, 20 September 2010
PAC Meeting Reminder
Time: 6:30pm – 8:30pm
Location: School Library
Everyone is welcome to attend this meeting.
Child minding will be available.
Welcome returning and new parents! This first PAC meeting will focus on reviewing PAC bylaws, electing class parents, fundraising events and schedules, and discussion of the upcoming Corn Roast. We're excited to start the new school year and hope to see lots of parents at the meeting!
Role of the Class Parent: To facilitate communications between staff, the members of the Parent Advisory Council and parents, caregivers and guardians of students. The PAC would like at least 1 class parent for each division.
We encourage all parents/guardians to participate in creating a thriving school community by volunteering in any capacity for school programs, events and fundraisers.
For further information please contact the PAC Executive at or with a letter through the school's Main Office.
Wednesday, 8 September 2010
The School Year Begins
It's great to see all our returning students and families, and a warm hello and welcome to the new students and families starting at Dr. A.R. Lord Elementary School this fall.
We hope everyone had an enjoyable, sunny, relaxing summer!
As you may know, there are lots of changes for the 2010-2011 school year at Dr. A.R. Lord Elementary and the VSB. If there are any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to contact any PAC member via or through a note in the PAC mailbox in the school administration office.
Div 7 - Grade K/1, Ms. Young
Music & Movement - Ms. Young-Eng
Our school is now part of the BC Fruit & Vegetable Program. Fresh, local fruits and vegetables are available to students as a learning and nutritional opportunity at no cost. Thanks to our parent volunteer, Tracy, for coordinating this fantastic program!
Families are asked to ALWAYS inform school staff, in writing, if a student is planning to leave school grounds for lunch times, appointments or other reasons. Thank you for helping the school keep track of all students during school hours - student safety is their number one priority.
We hope everyone has a great first full week of school!