Sunday 18 September 2016

School Assembly, Activities and Clubs

A school wide assembly was held last tuesday in the Gym. Teachers and support staff were introduced to students. 

Highlights from the assembly included some upcoming activities for students. The Student Spirit Squad will be lead by Ms. Bains and Ms. Phongmany and will include student representatives from each class who will organize and plan some student activities.  Past events from previous years included a Food Bank drive, Crazy Hair and Dress-up Day etc.  

Teacher-Librarian, Ms. McCandless will be hiding "tickets" tucked into library books which when found, can be claimed for a small prize. A new bingo-like game called Reado is also being offered and forms were sent home last week. Ms  McCandless has also invited any students interested to sign up for library monitors.  

Ms. Young will be offering Environmental Club again this year.  Ms. Burke and Ms. O'Neil have already started Cross Country for Grade 1-7 and the sign up sheet is located outside of Ms. O'Neil's classroom.