Friday 2 October 2015

School Library: New Librarian, Hours and Resources

Welcome to the 2015-2016 School Year!
"My name is Kasey McCandless, and I will be Lord’s teacher-librarian and resource teacher until Ms. Macmaster returns. Ms. M’s library is an amazing place filled with wonderful resources for students, staff, and families. I will be doing my best to instill and encourage a love of reading in each and every one of the children who come through the library doors. 
You might have already noticed the gigantic calendar in the hallway outside of the library, as well as the bookshelf. This is something I have compiled from various resources, and my goal is to help our students think about the world around them. They will be exposed to a variety of holidays and special dates that will encourage them to think like global citizens. The bookshelf will contain relevant reading material that will change as the year progresses – please explore these resources and chat with your children about the different things we celebrate all over the world.
Another project I will be pursuing with many classes this year is the Chocolate Lily Book Awards. This program showcases BC authors and illustrators at various reading levels. After the students experience each book in the category they’re in, they get to vote to pick their favourites!
Please come and visit me in the library to discover new books, visit me, and chat about the many ongoing projects I am involving our students in. Also, please consider volunteering to help in the library – I have a team of lovely monitors but they (and I!) can only do so much. Thank you!"
Good things to know about the library!
  • We are able to offer some extra library hours outside of the bell:
    Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday
    Closed 3:00-3:20pm 3:00-3:20pm 8:30-9:00am 8:40-9:00am
  • Books can be borrowed for two weeks at a time (Kindergarten for one), and may be renewed or exchanged whenever the student needs.
  • Overdue books must be returned before new books can be checked out.
  • You can check your own library account! Here’s how:
    • Go to and click on “My Account”
    • Enter your student number (they should know, but their librarian and teacher do too)
    • Click on “item’s out” or “overdue” (click on titles for more details, including pictures)
  • WEBCAT is also a great place to access awesome databases!
    • Go to and click on the “databases” tab
    • Try them out! For most, the username: 39lo, password: library 
  • Bookflix: picture books in video format, paired with a non-fiction book with related content
  • Starfall: interactive learn to read and reading practice 
  • CultureGrams: facts and information about countries and provinces
  • Global Issues in Context: current events and world issues
  • World Book: online encyclopedia with three levels; kids, student, and advanced
  • National Geographic Kids: information and visuals on a variety of subjects
  • Novelist K-8 Plus: read book reviews, access recommended reading lists, and ‘read-alikes’